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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Nothing will change with apathy and greed (and there's nothing you can do about it)
Posted by: moneytalks on 2001-11-25 17:30:39

Fyrestarter, we need you. We own this world. We are business people with an inport/export/manufacturing conglomerate in many parts of the lesser world. We need people like you to comply, make us richer. Increasingly the employees are thinking too much for themselves, it is no good. We need you and your kind of people to buy our goods. DVD's made in our Chinese factory & will need foreman like to you help keep minds locked up. We need your kind to purchase our goods, so that my people can live in our luxury. Our oil refineries need your kind so we can make more money, so our kind of children will be the bosses of your kind of children. You do well to keep us rich. You will be much rewarded to be in our employ. We will own this world and you can help us keep people ignorant. We need people to eat much meat, otherwise, our
if no one will have cancer, our Neupogen stock will be worthless. We eat much expensive vegetables and only fresh live meat, we will live long, but we cannot have everyone to live long because the world only have room for a few rich people. Fyerstarter, please breed more like you & eat and buy more and go to hospital. Each thing you do will make us more powerful. Thank you. PS. We manufacture much hemp product. You will make a good salesman.

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