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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: PLEASE: Help end the war in Iraq! -not!
Posted by: Chazara on 2007-09-08 12:58:17

Why in the hell are we at war
> Who are what are we fighting for
> Why are people risking their lives
> Over someone elses foolish and selfish pride
> I guess it's legal to murder for the government
> But if you murder to protect yourself you risk imprisonment
> The government is a serial killer
> Who is turning this world into a dramtic thriller
> Families all over the world is falling apart
> Because the government is greedy and have no heart
> The Government is steady printing and spending money that say in God
 we trust
> Yet they steady finding new ways to try and kill us
> What kind of sense do this make
> They want us to believe that God trusted them to choose who lives to
> When will all this political madness end
> When will they just give up ask God to forgive them for their sins
> The world is full of crime
> Because it's full of people with militant minds
> Can they really help what they do
> Are they really doing it because they feel they suppose to
> Can a persons mind be that unstable
> They want to do good but their just not able
> We have all did thing we thought we'd never do
> Then wonder why we do it but have no clue
> Is it because of the lack of love
> Or because we don't pray to the Man above
> Is it because we feel lost
> And just want to be found at any cost
> Do we really belong in jail
> Do we really deserve to burn in hell
> Some say yes and some say no
> Who's right or wrong we'll never know

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