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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Anyone suffer from Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis?
Posted by: LaurLaur on 2003-08-30 17:51:49

Ive never written on a message board before. I hope someone who is suffering will read this.
I had eczema on my face. Around my nose primarily, also up by my eyes and a little my my mouth. I had
it for 2 and a half years. Ive been to every medical doctor in the area. Even Penn doctors. I was told it would
never go away. It would just flucuate in severity. I decided to look into a holistic doctor.
ive been seeing her for six months and now it is completely gone. It itches occasionally. But the marks are gone.
First make sure there is no way you have candida albicans if so, you may have leaky gut sydrome which is a common side effect
. I also have new food allergys and dairy is a something that effected my eczema. I could tell you so much more but it would take
too long. Try to find a holistic doctor in your area if possible. I promise you they can help. -Lauren

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