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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: friend on 2003-03-24 12:52:29

<< If this war is about 9/11, where is the evidence to back it up>>

<Osama bin Laden and what happened on September 11 is evidence enough. Iraq gave the Al Quaeda money and weapons.>

Actually, Bin Laden was worth hundreds of billions all on his own through inheritance, generated through the sale of Saudi oil.
The mostly Saudian Arabian 911 terrorists didn't use weapons. But, since you bring it up, the US is responsible for arming and training many small countries and their militia, including Islamic fundamentalists now operating without CIA approval.

<< If this war is about weapons of mass destruction, show us clearly the threat>>

<Evidence of using weapons of mass destruction on Saddam's own people. Nuff said. The American Military is there under Operation Iraqi Freedom, which is going to
free the Iraqs from this madman.>

I'm not sure where you are getting the idea the Saddam has used WMD on his own people. In my personal research, all I have been able to find is that during the first Gulf war, there was a battle in Norther Iraq between the Turks and Iragi's and the Kurds (Saddam's own people, as you say) got in the middle. When the dead bodies were examined, a blood agent was present, indicating a cyanide gas, which Iraq did not have at the time, but Turkey did. Iraq only had the Mustard Gas we sold them. So, there is some question about Saddam gassing his own people. Most published information points to a battle during a war, where the
Turks used chemical weapons, rather than the Iraqis. I guess Saddam did execute his son-in-law, but that was for treason, which we here would kill a traitor for, also.

<<Most importantly, where is our media in all of this?>>

<The media is smack dab in the damned middle of this whole mess, screwing things up. The media doesn't do anything but report what they think is correct, correct
meaning the bullshit Democratic way of thinking.>

Well, I would disagree since most liberal news commentators have been taken off mainstream media. (i.e. Donahue, Bill Maher)
I find it very odd that you would consider yourself a patriotic American while bashing democracy, the thing we are supposedly letting our military die for, in addition to innocent civilians.

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