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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Putting Trees Before Humans?
Posted by: llm on 2004-06-07 08:17:27

Granted, it is difficult to obtain an accurate account of the civilian death
toll in Iraq.
Network news and major newspapers such as the New York Times have given
ranging from 8,000 to (most recently) 15,000.
I guess 15,000 is on the high end of the various reports. Even 10,000 is still
pretty messed up for a self-proclaimed Christian leader to be responsible for.
You can check out the Christian Science Monitor for death toll reports:

The White House and DOD have not published any death toll reports from this
current war in Iraq. We may never know for sure. What is known is that violence
in all
it's forms needs to be rejected. Think about it, our biggest predator as humans
is other humans.
Pretty sick.

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