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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: Eating meat (especially cows)
Posted by: graywarrior on 2002-01-03 18:43:12

It is nearly impossible to change a mind that has been fixed for a long time. Meat eaters will continue to eat meat even at the great cost to the enviroment. As you age you will realize that the rotting flesh you swallow will cause an acidic condition and eventually some will get cancer and other related illnesses. In addition, predators do not pump their
dinner with hormones and anti-biotics. Plus, they do not pen their prey in large communities. Have you ever been to Texas cattle country. That,s a lot of cow pee running in to our water supply. Good luck and good health with your meat eating. If you get sick start with John Robbins' "Diet for a New America.".

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