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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: brendan on 2003-04-10 07:25:22

Hey, how about this. Learn somthing. Go out and actually R E A D somthing my freind. Do you know who controls 80% of the media? Liberals. You sound like you have been quoting from French newspapers for god sake. Media personal can twist anything with a little work. Did you ever wonder why Congress virtually unanamously voted in agreement with Bush?? Thats odd isnt it? Maybe they know the facts, maybe they dont just twist any lead they get to form their point. Is that what you read now? Ohh ya how about his in-humane actions towards his own people? Oh wait, I know, Lets get a history lesson. In the 1930's hitler began his crusade of killings in germany, Stalin as well. And he said, "My god why didnt we do somthing to stop this??!" Hey did you hear what saddam does to his own people? I did, they interviewed some people that survived his ethnic cleansing inm Iraq, and His prisons. IRAQ has nucular weapons experts who defected to US, maybe thats how we know what hes doing?? I MEAN DAMN, we have his weapons builders telling us the horrible things hes trying to build, and the things he ALREADY has. Are you saying, "Cause he is not directly atacking american citys he is not a threat." That is what a coward says. Iraq wants to take down All Kuwait again. He wants to take down Isreal and we are going to let him? Ah yes ww2 all over again huh?? Hitler put out his Book way before he began his campaign. Do you know what he wrote in his book?? HE WROTE HIS GAME PLAN!! And we sat and hummed as he killed off his own people, took poland, and gathered troops in Austria. And there is Saddam, Building weapons, (we talked to the people who BUILT the things) and made threats to his neighbors explaning his plans for taking out these countrys. We stoped another Nazi germany. History repeats. And cowards always seem to show thier heads in times of wars. Same thing in ww2.

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