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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: kwrules on 2003-03-24 19:04:11

Oh Sadamm is a real nice guy. What about that scientist that was scheduled to talk to UN inspectors but couldnt because he killed himself the night before. Thats right. He killed himself before he talked to the UN inspectors. He shot himself, four times in the head. Make much sense?

I dont know about the funding stuff but I do know that within 20 minutes of the first air-raid in Iraq, top Iraqi officials were on the phone with some people in Afganistan. I dont know if that could be a connection (sarcasm).

The reason that Donahue was taken of mainstream media is because of his very, very low ratings.

By protesting this war you are not only endangering the lives of every single soldier in the military (do you want them second guessing what they are doing) but you are also dishonering every single American that has ever fought and died to protect the country you live freely in.

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