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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: My Dream- I had another
Posted by: Mendocino on 2004-03-31 10:29:54

You make several good points....But to compare the IRA to Islamic terror groups of today are not remotely the same...The fight between your country and theirs is rooted in history of long ago..and is between two countries...or groups within your countries....The terror attack on 9/11 was unlike any the world has ever seen....the scale of its destruction and loss of life is unequalled in one single attack....The extremist of the Islamic world today would like to destroy the ENTIRE WORLD POPULATION if it could and all in the name of its GOD and its Pure haltered of those who disagree.....It is true that the US has made it share of mistakes over the years and its relationship with diffident leaders of the world....But it has never sought to wipe out a population of people....The US and its people always strive to be there for ALL peoples of the world in its time of need or crises....we are a young country with much to learn....I hope that we will learn from our mistakes as will others learn from theirs....

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