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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cruelty...
Posted by: animal on 2002-10-21 09:38:16

Actual logic??? Non livings things needing to be protected from 
being killed?!??! If thats your idea of logic you live in a 
world of your own ( we can but dream!) As for your "lacking
in higher ordered thinking" response to the equilibrium point
i do trust your going to give an explanation as to why you
feel this way,well? As far as rational people can see 
collectively there's balance, disrupt that by taking a 
particular component away and problems occur. You have failed
to give any opinion contradicting my perplexing statements
other than to insult them, it would appear that you cant put
forward any credible points yourself and so you just resort
to immature ridicule. If you really wish to debate any issue
then your going to have to give an alternative point of view.
I've made points regarding evolution, food chain, toxins etc
it's your turn to respond not mine! And please try not to waste
another post with mere derision.

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