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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: LaLa on 2001-04-18 07:38:22

This discussion seems to be finished, but I am throwing in my opinion anyway. Someone said that the baby would be better off left with a professional caregiver then with their own mother on a plane! That is insane! A tiny baby, who needs his/her mother's milk, comfort, and warmth. Obviously, whoever feels that way does not advocate breastfeeding nor do they understand attachment parenting (or any method of loving parenting). I fail to see how "good humans" could possibly support such ignorant and mean behavior and beliefs. I will take my baby where ever I go, and I will not drop her off to stay with some stranger because her presence bothers you on a plane! Take a look at yourself and your comments. They are decidedly cruel, thoughtless, and uncaring.

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