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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: jenallen on 2000-05-21 19:46:54

Wow! I can't believe your name is "friend". You really hit the nail on the head when you stated that "people without kids are without kids for a reason". Thank goodness for that. I think it is so sad that there could be so much resentment and intolerance toward children - the most innocent members of our race - the HUMAN race, remember? And as a member of the human race, you have indeed "bought into your screaming baby" and every other baby on this earth. What are you saving the earth for? Children are the future, and despite your claims of taking the environmental high road in choosing not to reproduce, you are passing along your beliefs and your lifestyle to no one. If everyone who was environmentally aware and active chose not to reproduce, where would the next generation of environmentalists come from? We all make choices in our lives, and I choose not to fly on airplanes - with or without my child. Flying on planes contributes to environmental degradation on so many levels it is hard to count them all. You "friend" are indeed a product of our self-centered, intolerant, narrow-minded, misanthropic western culture. You can keep your genes to yourself.

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