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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Response to Transplantedyank
Posted by: thewesman on 2003-04-14 15:48:56

A fair response.  I think, however, that no one would have complained
about Clinton going after Osama once if they had known he was connected
to the first WTC bombing.  I didn't like Clinton, but I wouldn't
have argued about that course of action.  What I didn't like about
him was that at the first sight of trouble in Somolia, he ran (and by
extension, made our troops run).  There was not retailiation for what
those scumbag thugs did to our troops in Somolia.  We just watched
our ranger's naked body dragged through the streets of Mogadishu
and then turned tail and ran.  Clinton lost any chance of getting 
respect from conservatives like me when he did that.  Bush wouldn't
have done that.

And the ivestigation was as much about the financial dealings he and 
Billary had with the Rose Law Firm and the fact that our president
purjured himself to avoid the repurcussions of his actions.

The economy is still suffering, but I'm not sure what any president 
could do about it right now.  When the dotcom became the dotbomb, the 
bottom fell out of the market and so did millions of peoples wealth.

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