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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: jenallen on 2000-05-23 10:39:56

I don't know many good parents who could so easily put the needs and comfort of strangers ahead of the needs and comfort of their own infants. There are emotional and hormonal bonds involved here that only a parent could know. Separating an infant from his or her mother for any significant length of time is traumatic for both, and studies show the effects may be lifelong for babies. On the other hand, you will get off that plane feeling a little frazzled and grumpy, but you will get over it shortly. I would definitely not look forward to flying with a baby. I would dread it. I would certainly feel bad if other passengers had to listen to him cry. But would I leave him with someone else? NEVER!

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