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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Womens Liberation and the Decline of the American Family
Posted by: prahkeet on 2004-03-31 09:03:23

god first!

hi, you probably sent this long time ago, but this is my first time on this site and i have to say i disagree with you. i'm female myself and i happen to also be writing an english paper on the same subject. the american family structure has declined and still is. i understand you are all feminist or whatever, but be realstic!
a family is governed by a man and a woman, and yes, i believe that women do have problems raising children themselves, but so do men.and how the hell can you say that men are stronger smarter and more caring. there is no way to know that because we are all shouldn't discourage that chick who wanted to write on that topic because it's up to her if
she feels that way and i think it's an excellent topic.

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