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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: The 'Give everyone a chance near the front at general admission shows' guideline
Posted by: fyrestarter on 2001-05-05 23:12:46

So people who work hard, who are responsible, who take the time to prepare beforehand should make way for the latecomers, those with no sense of responsibility, and others who are beset with 'misfortune'? Why? All this will do is promote laziness and irresponsibility in people. If we give away everything, there will be no incentive to work hard and succeed. Your heart is in the right place, but a more practical suggestion would be to let those who show up late suffer for their lateness and other faults. Perhaps they will learn a hard, albeit necessary lesson. Social Darwinism -- Never make concessions for the shortcomings of others; it will only encourage apathy and indolence.

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