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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: The 'Good: Only Christ is good!' guideline
Posted by: atheist on 2000-11-06 16:10:02

There is an interesting argument in this guideline 
about why morals exist.  The guideline states that
morals only exist if God exists.

I would disagree with this.  "Good" is what is good
for humanity.  In most cases it is easy to 
determine what is good for our species.  

Destroying our planet is obviously "bad".  If we
destroy the Earth, we will go extinct.  This is 
obviously not "good" for humanity.

The same goes for your argument for pedophiles who
rape & kill children.  If this were the norm, we
also would not get very far as a species.  

So, contrary to this Guideline's statements, morals
do exist outside of "God".  Since God's existence
is under debate, we need to rely on our own 
minds to determine what "good" is.  

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