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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: The quiz
Posted by: raw on 2000-01-10 13:23:56

Hmmm. you make some good points.

But, there are plenty of guidelines that you can follow,
but others don't. In fact then potential number of
guidelines is limitless.

Of course, some guidelines don't apply to you. Does this
mean that there is not a 'good' way to "get satellite
programming', or there is not a 'good' way to treat your

Of course not. It simply means that these guidelines don't
apply to you.

Likewise, there are probably many guidelines that apply to
you, but which don't apply to me or other members of the

You can create your own guidelines, increase your score,
by clicking on the "Create a guideline" link. (The
user friendliness of these pages is admittedly pretty
poor right now, but it will improve)

As far as the guidelines you don't agree with go, you
can "vote against" them. and get them removed.

Throughout our daily lives we face many choices each
day. The goodhumans site is dedicated towards helping
people to define and make the 'good' choice when
these decisions come up.


> I think the quiz is ridiculous. There's the electric car question - do you know how much those things cost? Then there is
> the bike question. What if you are handicapped? Babies on airplanes? Don't have babies in the first place.
> Overpopulation is a huge problem. Then there is the stuff about walking your dog - no dog, calling your mother - mine is
> dead, and so on. I don't steal satellite because I don't have a TV set. So, I guess because I'm not a consumer, breeder, and
> can't get on a bike, I am not as good a person as someone who has kids, a dog, money for an electric car, a satellite dish
> and money for that, etc., I am not as "good" a person. Feh. It just means I have less use for the little tag under the "Good
> Humans" logo that says "shopping"

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