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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Use reusable shopping bags.
Posted by: pneumatic_sally on 2002-12-06 12:29:36

I keep some in my car so that I will always have them with me when I need them. I have about 6 or 7 bags altogether so that makes it easier. I don't have any that are hempy, though. But let me just say, reusable shopping bags should be the norm. My grocery store deducts a piddly 5 cents for every bag you bring... but at least they use some sort of positive reinforcement! I like to personalize my bags with fabric paint. I write little slogans on them. I get many compliments, especially from the store clerks and baggers. If you have an Ikea nearby, they sell these gigantic cotton bags for only 2 dollars. I have two of those and they are absolutely humongous. People are always shocked to see them. I love them, but they do get heavy because you can fit so much in each one!

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