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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Womens Liberation and the Decline of the American Family
Posted by: brent on 2000-04-06 21:15:46

	Wow! Women's Lib. and the Decline of the American Family
huh? Good luck finding any information on that. I think most
people would disagree with that idea, unless they are extremely
conservative in their perspectives of our society in it's current
	Fundamentalist religion banks on viewing our society as
corrupt and morally bankrupt. If you myopically focus on the
deepest regions of urban decay, then sure, you may view society
in the bleekest terms, but who would want to do that? Our society
is more open and accepting than it ever has been. The "family"
is just fine. I can't imagine that the idea of women gaining
greater freedom in their lives and world could ever be seen as
anything but positive.
	Lets try to help you with your paper, I'm sorry.
I recommend that you go back to the drawing board with this one.
Think of a better topic. How about: "Men's ineffectual reluctance
to allow women in the work place." or "The inability of men to
face the obvious fact that women are stronger, smarter and more
caring people and how that encourages men to erroneously
assert that there is a decline of the american family."?
	What do you think?

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