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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Response to Transplantedyank
Posted by: thewesman on 2003-04-08 22:32:25

I just wanted to address a couple of your comments.  

First, I know you're just playing by the rules/ettiquette of the
message board and you have full right to respond to someone else's 
post, particularly if it is full of ad hominim attacks and requests
for your departure.  I think that person is probably too young to
give you a fully developed response to your statements.  I, however,
am not.

Now, as for your assertion that all us "warmongers," that sounds like
one of those ad hominim attacks to me at worst, and a broad and not so
nice generalization at best.  But hey, what are these message boards
for, right?  Its nice to be able to insult people you don't know.

I have a question for you.  Do you consider yourself a liberal or a
conservative?  A democrat or a republican?  I'm curious, because I 
see most of the opposition to this war coming from liberal democrats
or worse.  Worse being those people who are really communists or 
socialists who despise capitalism and America.

I find it interesting that very few, and I mean very few, liberals
said one word about Kosovo and Bill Clinton's actions there.  He was 
their (your?) guy and therefore, beyond criticism.  Perhaps that is
what conservatives are doing now.  However, I think most of the 
viceral reactions that those of us supporting the war have is because
we get tired of hearing how you "support the troops" and then we
turn on the TV and see so called "peace protestors" trying to block
supplies going to our troops from leaving port (i.e. Port of Oakland
yesterday).  We see these people staging die-ins in the middle of the
street to obstruct other fellow americans from getting to their jobs
and doing their business.  How does that thinking work? Let me see,
I hate this war, but I "support the troops," therefore I will hinder
efforts to supply them - thus putting them in potential jeopardy, then
I will do my best to hurt our already ailing economy by keeping 
my fellow citizens from making a living.  SURE MAKES SENSE TO ME.

Fine.  You don't like Bush.  But so many of you against the war
actually have this belief that this is some step towards imperialism.
That's ludicrous.  I voted for Bush, but if I felt that he was doing
something like that, I would gladly let you drive me to polls so I could
vote for someone else.  

So many libs can't stop chanting their "selected not elected" long
enough to know that all of those votes were counted after the election

You may vote, but so do we.  And until Bush does something not 
warranting my support (I mean other than capitulate to the Dems
in Congress on domestic issues while we maintain a majority in both 
houses), then he will have my support.

The libs got their butts handed to them during that last midterm
election because America is sick and tired of hearing the same old
race baiting, class warfare, anti-capitalism BS that has been crammed
down our throats for years.  America is sick of hearing it and Bush
has been a refreshing change from the lying filanderer we had the 
previous eight years.

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