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I'm feeling lucky

Top > GoodHumans Message boards > target: earth!
Posted by: nogoodnick on 2001-06-26 21:21:37

i went and so the most amazing fucking show last night.  last
night my friends dragged me out to this show at a thrift shop in
boston.  it was knife in hand, lover's quarrel (both of which
were ok, your basic grindcore), and headlined by a band called
target: earth.  they were insane.  the music was out of control.
a really rockin mix of metal, grind, and straight-up rock and
roll with the best keyboards i've heard in a band since the cars.  
i danced.  I DANCED.  and the stage show was untouchable.
themed around a martian attack on the planet, they were 
completely costumed out (and it wasn't retarded), they stayed in
character, each song was a seperate major city they were
destroying, etc.  just incredible.  incredible.  i recommend
to everyone to go see them.  worth every mile of ride and all of
the five bucks i spent.

nick franzheim

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