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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > The Annual Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon - David Harrison Levi
Posted by: mr5012u on 2005-08-19 03:22:51

My VERY Best wishes my dearest friends; On this happy note, I was admitted into hospital this last week, with chest pains, a burning and pressured heart. I have been misdiagnosed all so often, by doctors who told me, "its nothing more then stress!" I had FINALLY gotten the dreaded news. I stayed for a week and had 7 cardiac experts find I had 70/90 percent blockage in all 3 arteries surrounding my heart and a high blood sugar level of 530. "I BEG YOU ALL ,PLEASE SEE YOUR DOCTOR REGULARLY!" It can and WILL "SAVE YOUR LIFE!" It was agreed, I WAS a walking time bomb! I had angioplasty with 3 stints installed and given the proper medications for Diabetes. I feel and look better then, EVER! God Bless the Doctors at Kaiser Hospital, Los Angeles. My love always to You and your family. Now, for the important news. Its time again for our annual Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon! Here at the newly refurbished Beverly Hilton Hotel ............................... September 4-5th! Stay Up Late & WATCH THE STARS COME OUT!
Television has few traditions as strongly ingrained as the annual Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon.

Quick Facts about the Telethon

The first Telethon was held in June 1955 at Carnegie Hall in New York. The 161/2-hour show raised $600,000 for MDA and was broadcast on DuMont station WABD.

The first-ever Telethon held on Labor Day weekend, broadcast in 1966 by just one station in New York City, was the first televised fund-raising event of its kind to raise more than $1 million in pledges.

Nearly one million volunteers across the country will be involved in the Telethon over this Labor Day weekend.
The 2005 Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon is the 40th annual show in the Labor Day weekend series. It will be broadcast on some 200 "Love Network" stations across the country and can be seen on the Internet.

Last year's Telethon was dedicated to the memory of Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a renowned poet and the MDA National Goodwill Ambassador, who died in June.

The MDA Telethon has been held on Labor Day weekend since 1966.
Ed McMahon is the anchor of the Telethon, and 2005 will be his 38th Telethon.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association

National Headquarters
3300 East Sunrise Drive
Tucson, AZ 85718

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