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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > The Earth Speaks on War With Iraq
Posted by: kaar on 2003-02-04 17:16:32

The Earth Speaks Out on War With Iraq

January 20, 2003

Each evening I received an assignment for the following day, and my assignment for
Day 1 was to contact the Earth. I was to be up at sunrise, outside, in a quiet spot where I was unlikely to be disturbed. I was to sit on the ground after having searched out and selected a stick that was solid enough to drum against the ground without breaking. I was to continue drumming until the Earth responded. I was skeptical of the entirety of the proposition, but had agreed to make an effort to suspend disbelief while opening to a new experience.

The Earth does speak. The Earth is aware. Her energy signature is that of a mother but she is not female in the way that we understand gender. She can fertilize just as well as she incubates. She is a Being.

Humanity and Earth coexist to facilitate each other in evolution. We evolve as she evolves as we evolve. We are inseparable. Our actions and interactions influence each other. Our successes lift each other. Our illnesses reflect in each other.

The Earth is happy to be called Mother, and so I shall refer to her for the rest of this discussion.

Mother speaks with love and concern emanating from her core. She reveals that oil, so sought after and valuable to us as an energy source, is valuable to her for another reason. The vast oil fields of the Earth are part of her immune system. They help to stabilize her and maintain her equilibrium. They function as repositories of energy requiring diversion so that it can be calmed before it becomes disruptive. The northern part of the African continent is a major center of energy diversion and reprocessing for Mother. It is vital to her overall health. She speaks now in order to bring this into our awareness.

Mother works to correct the weakness, to heal herself, but this takes time and cooperation. It means we must allow her to rest by reducing our demands upon her and finding creative new ways to work in synergy with her. Mother is happy to share herself with us but asks that we recognize when enough is enough before it becomes too much. She communicates this in a variety of ways and is now able to communicate quite directly with more individuals among the human population that at any other time. She brings to mind an image of a volunteer blood donor who gives of his life sustaining fluid to facilitate the survival of another, but clearly can only afford to give so much at one time without compromising his own vital functions. It is something that should be neither asked nor expected, yet something we ask and expect of Mother every day. In her infinite patience, she attempts to oblige, to shift resources within herself in order to maintain health and stability. She reminds us that she, like us, lives because she is animated by a soul, and that when her soul departs, her physical body will die. In that we are equal.

Mother hopes to remain and facilitate our evolution for as long as we need her, as long as we mutually elevate each other. In caring for us and for all life that draws nourishment from her, she fulfills her purpose and personally evolves. But, as with our own physical bodies, the possibility exists for Mother that trauma or illness may overwhelm her self-healing powers and create a disconnect between her soul and body requiring that she move on, leaving physicality behind.

Mother asks that we take care of ourselves, and that we take thought for her. She promises to continue caring for us and to stay strong so that we may depend upon her. She asks those of us who hear to speak on her behalf and to communicate clearly the need to conserve her resources as the population grows and its demands increase. She promises that if we listen, she will teach us new ways to receive all that we need through methods of energy production that are safe, efficient and abundant, and that tax her very little by comparison to our present practices. As her health stabilizes, so will our own.

Lastly, Mother reminds us that we and she and all that is are intricately interconnected, inextricably interwoven, and inseparably intertwined. We cannot elevate ourselves without elevating each other, nor can we attack Iraq or any other nation, group or individual without assaulting ourselves in the process.

(PS: Mother suggests there may be someone out there possessed of a pioneering soul who may find interest in taking up the field of Geophysiology. She has much to teach you about her living systems, how they interact, how one affects another for health or ill. Geology and Geophysics, she says, require augmentation.)

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