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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Backup left town for some R&R!
Posted by: Rod45 on 2003-10-30 16:24:25

Thanks...Glad to be here. Needless to say, I didn't have time to lay it on thick. Had to catch the stage to Leavenworth. Ya know there're more verbal rounds in the ol' cartridge belt! Deffinately had a few extra brewskies in your honor. Twas a pleasure to be of help there! Great weather! FINALLY got some rain. Hot Damn! Fall's come in like a Lion, (not the Deeetroit kind), here in the Great Pacific NW. Fall colors along Hwy. 2 thru Stevens Pass were stunning. Best we've seen. I'm disappointed! I expected a scripted reply from abcd. Maybe he/she/it didn't receive his/her/it's "Standard Answers" copy from the Democrats! Whatever! Hey! How come this message stays at the top of the box? What's the rest of the space for? About time for The Thursday Nite Pigskin Service. BYU vs. Somebody! Later George!

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