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Posted by: mr5012u on 2005-05-12 22:37:42

NAME: Ed Sullivan
BORN: 28/09/1902
BIRTH PLACE: Manhattan, New York
DIED: 13/10/1974


Ed Sullivan hosted the definitive and longest running variety series in American television history. For 23 years this fumbling, wooden presenter fronted 'The Ed Sullivan Show', and managed to entertain his extremely diverse audience at least some of the time.

As a sports reporter, gossip columnist and some time radio presenter, Sullivan was known on the Broadway scene from the early 1930s. He also acted in some comedy films and musicals during the 1930s and 1940s.

Only in 1948 did Sullivan become a famous man. He was hired by CBS to host the network's first variety show, 'The Toast of the Town', later renamed after Sullivan.

The series came off air in 1971 and Sullivan made numerous cameo appearances in films until he died in 1974.

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