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I'm feeling lucky

Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > My Dream
Posted by: kaar on 2003-03-17 19:23:50

I saw a great eagle flying over Iraq, majestic in beauty and size casting a long shadow across the land. As it soared, beginning at the head, it transformed progressively into a great dragon out of whose mouth fire rained destroying that upon which it fell.

Then I saw a great hammer whose handle was striped red, white and blue, and was held in a the grip of a great hand. This tool, intended for building, was instead knocking down, breaking apart and flattening everything in its path. As the hammer struck again and again I saw faces looking up in fear and disbelief, their final sight being the face of their hope falling upon them.

Then I saw a great threshing machine driven by the U. S. head of state through the nation of Iraq, its threshing wheels flaming so that the harvest was destroyed rather than saved and put up. His attention was inconsistent being drawn away by dreams of other fields through which he hoped to drive. In his eyes, he sees his mission as divine.

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