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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Need help fiiguring out an animal's name
Posted by: grace72891 on 2002-10-31 12:26:42

My children have a book we use for homeschool that has scrambled up animal names in it and you have to unscramble their names and then find them hidden in this painting in the book. Well, there is this one that I cannot figure out. My husband and I have been trying for 3 days. I've looked through animal lists online & cannot find any animal names that resemble these scrambled letters. I hope someone here can help me. I know the animals name starts with a G, all of the letters in its name are:
agilnrst Can anyone here help me? Does anyone know what this animal's name is?

Second, this scrambled name is the original reason I came to this message board and found it in a search engine when I searched for animal message boards. Although, I couldn't help but notice the abortion posts where you are all throwing around your opinions about abortion. Have any of you ever had an abortion? I have, so I know about abortion first hand. I know what is involved in the making the decision. I know if there are any ill feelings involved in the decision or after the decision and why. If you have never had an abortion , I would suggest you cease from flaunting your opinion because you really know nothing about it at all.

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