I'm not sure exactly what this person is asking or why this person insists on posting this question so many times, but maybe he/she really wants an answer. So, here's an answer to my interpretation to your question: I have shot, killed, butchered, prepared many animals including fish, waterfowl, deer, elk, bear, etc. After the animals are processed into cutlets, chops, steaks, etc, I then marinate, season, stuff or otherwise prepare the meat. After grilling, braising, roasting, frying or otherwise cooking the meat, I then happily serve it to friends, family and myself. And I'll let you know that I'm no the only person in the world who does this. Millions of people have butchered their own meat, or have seen it done, and continue to eat meat. So, your question is answered. Keep it in mind that questioning or decrying the methods of meat processing is a poor argument for not eating meat. Many products are manufactured under less than pristine or ideal conditions, but this does not somehow make the product less desirable. Besides, vegetarians very rarely plant, cultivate, and harvest their own food themselves. People don't have time to grow produce or raise livestock - that is why farms and ranches exist. The majority of us (here in America, anyway) have jobs that are not agrarian based. So, if you're asking everyone to create their own food, whether it be vegetable, animal or mineral, then you better be prepared for the collapse of the world economy. I think it's better off if we just left everything the way it is. If you want to subsist on corn and soy, then please, go ahead. Others of us will continue to eat hamburgers and steak and tons of delicious, tender veal. Perhaps you should take the time you would normally spend on telling us what to eat, and go plant a little garden instead.
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