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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: My Dream/My Nightmare
Posted by: killsaddam on 2003-03-21 17:30:52

Don't be so niave. While you look in favor of the enemy your senses began to weaken. You have now become the easy target. If we used our hammer to build, they surley would use their hammer to destroy. They want you dead...they burn your flag and curse your land. Why don't you go stand side-by-side to the pope, fall on your knees in front of saddam and pray that he will leave. So far no civilian casualties have been reported, so you haven't a clue of what your saying. Im for the war 100%, and George W. Bush has made the greatest descison that he possibley could. Here's an analogy for you...
:There is a crazy man next store that has killed seven of my closest neighbors. He then tells me HE'S going to kill ME, and MY family brutally. Since you agree with the pope you would sit in your home and pray, you are both foolish, and a coward. If a man threatened me and my family he would be dead within 10 minutes. I support Bush all the way. Also to add our nation stock and job oppertunities have increased greatly. This war is the perfect medicine after 9/11.

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