You stated:
"Every woman has a right to abortion if abortion is not around
then how are we to prevent all the teen moms who are pregnant."
WOW! So you're saying abortion is ok if you are a pregnant
teen, because without it the teen would be faced with a hard
life, little money etc?
Too Bad!! Just because the mother carrying the baby is a teen
does not make that baby any less a person than if the woman
were 28. Abortion is killing a human and that is WRONG
regardless of the age of the mother!!!
Did you know that:
The heart ot the developing baby begins at 18 days
[when the mother is only four days late for her first
menstrual period], and by 21 days it is pumping, through a
closed circulatory system, blood whose type is different from
that of the mother. J.M. Tanner, G. R. Taylor, and the Editors
of Time-Life Books, Growth, New York: Life Science Library, 1965
Brain waves have been recorded at 40 days on the
Electroencephalogram (EEG). H. Hamlin, "Life or Death by EEG,"
JAMA, Oct. 12, 1964, p. 120
Brain function, as measured on the Electroencephalogram,
"appears to be reliably present in the fetus at about eight
weeks gestation," or six weeks after conception. J. Goldenring,
"Development of the Fetal Brain," New England Jour. of Med.,
Aug. 26, 1982, p. 564
The eye, ear and respiratory systems begin to form four weeks
after fertilization. K. Moore, Before We Were Born, 3rd ed.,
1989, p. 278
The organ systems appear very early, e.g., glucagon, a blood sugar
hormone, has been demonstrated in the fetal pancreas 6 weeks
after fertilization, and insulin by 7 to 8. F. Cunningham,
"Pancreas," William's Obstet., 19th ed., 1993, p. 183-4
Thumbsucking has been photographed at 7 weeks after
fertilization. W. Liley, The Fetus As Personality,
Fetal Therapy, 1986, p. 8-17
The developing baby first moves "In the sixth to seventh weeks.
If the area of the lips is gently stroked, the child responds by
bending the upper body to one side and making a quick backward
motion with his arms. This is called a 'total pattern response'
because it involves most of the body, rather than a local part."
L. B. Arey, Developmental Anatomy (6th ed.), Philadelphia: W. B.
Sanders Co., 1954
At eight weeks, "if we tickle the baby's nose, he will flex
his head backwards away from the stimulus." A. Hellgers, M.D.,
"Fetal Development, 31," Theological Studies, vol. 3, no. 7, 1970,
p. 26
Another example is from a surgical technician whose letter said,
"When we opened her abdomen (for a tubal pregnancy), the tube
had expelled an inch-long fetus, about 4-6 weeks old.
It was still alive in the sack. "That tiny baby was waving its
little arms and kicking its little legs and even turned its
whole body over." J. Dobson, Focus on the Family Mag., Aug. '91,
pg. 16
All body systems are present by: By eight weeks (two months).
Hooker & Davenport, The Prenatal Origin of Behavior, University
of Kansas Press, 1952
All 20 milk-teeth buds are present at six and a half weeks.
"Life Before Birth," Life Magazine, Apr. 30, 1965, p. 10
And include dental lamina at 8 weeks. Med. Embryology, Longman,
3rd Ed., 1975, p. 406
At nine to ten weeks, he squints, swallows, moves his tongue,
and if you stroke his palm, will make a tight fist.
By nine weeks he will "bend his fingers round an object in the
palm of his hand." Valman & Pearson, "What the Fetus Feels,"
British Med. Jour., Jan. 26, 1980
"By 11 to 12 weeks (3 months), he is breathing fluid steadily
and continues so until birth. At birth, he will breathe air.
He does not drown by breathing fluid with-in his mother, because
he obtains his oxygen from his umbilical cord. This breathing
develops the organs of respiration." "Life Before Birth," Life
Magazine, Apr. 30, 1965, p. 13
"In the 11th week of gestation fetal breathing is irregular
and episodic. As gestation continues, the breathing movements
become more vigorous and rapid." C. Dawes, "Fetal Breathing:
Indication of Well Being," Family Practice News, Mar. 16, 1976,
p. 6
Episodic spontaneous breathing movement have been observed in
the healthy human fetus as early as ten weeks gestational age.
Conners et al., "Control of Fetal Breathing in the Human Fetus,"
Am J. OB-GYN, April '89, p. 932
She can swallow at11 weeks. Valman & Pearson, British Med. Jour.,
"What the Fetus Feels," 26 Jan. 1980, p. 233
Fingernails are present by 11 to 12 weeks; eyelashes by 16 weeks.
Fingerprints are completely established during the fourth month
of gestation. Hamilton et al., Human Embryology, Fourth Ed.,
1972, p. 567
All of her body systems working by 11 weeks. "Life Before Birth,"
Life Magazine, Apr. 30, 1965, p. 13
At 12 weeks (three months) she weighs about 30 gm (1.0 ounce);
at 16 weeks about 170 gm (6 ounces);
and at 20 weeks (four months), approximately 454 gm (one pound).
"Taste buds are working between 13 and 15 weeks gestation"
11 to 13 weeks after conception). Mistretta & Bradley,
Taste in Utero, 1977, p. 62 Bradley et al., "Dev. Taste Buds . . . ,"
J. Anat. 101 (4) 1967, p. 743-752
"Auditory sense is present in the infant 24 weeks before birth
[14 weeks after conception]. This involves brain functioning
and memory patterns." M. Clemens, "5th International Congress
Psychosomatic," OB & GYN, Rome: Medical Tribune, Mar. 22, 1978,
p. 7
Check out these quotes from the medical and science fields:
"From the moment a baby is conceived, it bears the indelible
stamp of a separate distinct personality, an individual
different from all other individuals."
Ultrasound pioneer, Sir William Liley, M.D. 1967
"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come
into existence. This is no longer a matter of taste or opinion.
Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception."
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, genetics professor, University of Descartes,
Paris. He discovered the Down syndrome chromosome.
"It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human
life begins at conception." Professor M. Matthews-Roth, Harvard
University Medical School.
"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is
present from the moment of conception." Professor Hymie Gordon,
Mayo Clinic.
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