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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: hollieb's It's just plain wrong!
Posted by: valdeere on 2003-06-08 21:59:11

I just had to reply to a few of Hollieb's comments..."how would 
you like it if someone told you how you were allowed to live
your life?"  Well, where I live, we are governed by laws, you 
know, those things that say we have to stop at red lights, pay
our taxes, feed and clothe our children, give proper care and
shelter pets.  All of these things, among a zillion others, are
people telling us how we are allowed to live our lives.  

I had to laugh at "Did you know most pro-life supporters are 
undereducated, non-working housewife's and men?"  That gained
no support from me since it should be houseWIVES.  Talk about

It's a shame that the abortion issue has been made out to be
something of a woman's choice.  She has a choice, to have sex
or not to have sex.  If a person is not prepared to deal with 
the consequences, then he/she should reconsider such actions.
I would rather pay for a teenager to have a zillion children 
than to pay for her to have a zillion abortions.  

We are currently not allowed to help someone end his/her life
when they are 80 years old and suffering from an incurable 
disease, what gives us the right to take away life at its 
conception?  That's another example of someone telling us how 
we can live our lives.  It's wrong either way.  Life is life, 
we need to respect it from the start, and at the end.  I pray
for everyone, those who agree, and those who don't...even when
I get upset :)

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