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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: My Dream- I had another
Posted by: kwrules on 2003-03-20 16:25:36

I too, had a dream. In my dream it, at first, it seemed like a normal day. The sun was shining. Kids were running, playing. Then in a moments notice terror struck. Two huge burning towers polluted the air with their black smoke. People were running, screaming, and crying. The towers fell, thousands perished. Innocent people. Dead. There was nothing anyone could do. I sat down, I knew I would never forget this day, and I vowed vengeance to those responsible.

The funny thing is, is that this was not really a dream. Did you forget what happened on September 11? When thousands of people burned in the doomed towers. Can you imagine the fear they felt as they were stuck in the towers? The power turned off. Dark, people terrified, knowing they were going to die. Some felt the only possible way to escape it was to jump. They fell to their deaths from over 50 stories high.

We have to stop it, before it happens again. Saddam Hussein today, launched 4 scud missiles. Scud missiles that he claimed he destroyed. Are we going to trust Saddam over our own President? Are we wrong in wanting to protect ourselves and save the innocent people of our country? Or are we going to just let the deaths of the thousands of people in September just be in vain? Think about it.

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