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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: My Dream/My Nightmare
Posted by: gregor on 2003-03-23 09:08:05

If a man threatened me and my family, I would go through the PROPER channels and call the police. Even the police would not KILL the man, but arrest him. Shooting is the last resort.

This is what the U.S. needed to do: take our case all the way through the U.N. The fact is, we couldn't do this because we didn't have the crucial evidence to convince the rest of the world that Iraq actually poses an immediate threat to us the must be dealt with violently.

Violent conflict is always a worst-case scenario. Here we are making a pre-emptive strike against another country. What happens the next time another nation decides to do this, for reasons we don't agree with? We have now set (once again) the example and have (once again) made ourselves the object to be vilified by the world.

Please think about the bigger picture. Please.

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