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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Need help fiiguring out an animal's name
Posted by: mr5012u on 2003-01-15 20:37:15


My Best Friend!~Chin Chin~ & How We Met..... A Sad Story With A HAPPY ENDING!!!!
Hello My name is David Harrison Levi & WELCOME to MY homepage for MY friend Chin Chin the Chinese "RED" Chow Chow! 1st off; Let me strss There are NO Coincidences IN LIFE! G-D Makes Things Happen & those who choose to think it IS unusual DON'T; It's called; "FATE!" Let me share THIS jouous experience with you! On MY birthday January 19th 2001 I wanted to go to the LA ZOO & see animals....I Love Animals.....IT RAINED ALL DAY.....So; My friend Evy & I went to the West LA SPCA to look at Dogs & Cats instead. My friend Evy and I spotted a really cute sweet disposition dog with his head down; extremely SAD! While ALL the other dogs were barking; THIS one was the ONLY one who WASN'T I played with him trying to lift his spirits & decided to get him! Evy suggested I wait & think about it; overnight! I HAD just moved into my NEW home & was REALLY taking a chance! I believe it FATE there are NO coincidences in life! After a very important meeting with business associates I hijacked everyone to the SPCA Shelter to see the dog ONCE more! As I pulled into the lot at 4:30 p.m. I saw two young people putting this dog into a van! I knocked on the window VERY SADLY & wished them well; with their NEW dog! They said they had recognized me from my place of business in Beverly Hills; and said the SPCA Shelter had called at 3:00 p.m.& said at 5:00 p.m. they going to have to put the dog down! Reason: NO ROOM! Kennel cough! Sharon & Wizeman were actually the loving caring folks; who actually FOUND the dog! I could NOT believe it; when they said; they were looking for a "GOOD HOME!" They ONLY came back to SAVE the dogs life! Sharon & Wizeman HAD taken the dog even to the vet; to have ALL the shots nuetured & a chip in case of loss; again! They told me they were going to take the dog to a vet for a kennel cough & the night before; the dog was put into a cage with a Pit Bull who bit the dog; on his face! This beautiful 1 year old puppy HAD been through; SO MUCH!!! Sharon & Wizeman told me " The Dog IS Yours!" Pick him up at the vet at 8:00 p.m. " He's Yours!" Was I Surprised! Was THIS a blessing or what; for everybody!!!

My Dog's Life in Beverly Hills {CHOWTOWN} Jan. 19th 2001
I immediately thought of the name & it Seemed like *CHIN CHIN the CHINESE CHOW CHOW!" WAS an
acceptable & different name & took him straight to PetCo for Doggie Stuff! Chin was so VERY happy to be out of "Doggie Jail!" I REALLY believe he knows; We all SAVED his life! What a GREAT BIRTHDAY present I THANK GOD each day for Chin Chin being a part of MY life! He IS incredibly smart & LOVES to sit in the middle console of MY Bentley & drive through the streets of Beverly Hills! Everyone who comes to OUR stores absolutely LOVES Chin Chin! He's GREAT with Kids Adults & ALL other dogs! I give him the space; to be himself! I NEVER; EVER try & change the way people are; so WHY should I TRY & change him! He's GREAT & a welcome addition to my family friends & especially my NEW carpets & home! NOW; This is Chin Chin; again; NOW; That I'm a celebrity in "CHOWTOWN" You can get an autographed paw print of me; 2X2! Its not that I'm conceited now; its just MY way of giving back! Woof! Woof! Your Friend Always; Chin Chin By the way; If you have ANY paw prints of some fine bitches send em' in care of e-mail PS >>>>>> By the way; after reading THIS AOL Hometown Page Sharon; the beautiful young lady with the sweetest personality & a heart of gold; sent this additional ..e-mail 3/10/01 10:32:16 PM PST Dear David; Just wanted to let you know how beautiful that story was and the picture also. I can honestly tell you that because of Chin Chin I now believe in fate and destiny. This whole incident has changed my entire view on life and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that he has found such a great owner such as yourself. Who would have possibly thought that a lost Chow Chow could change so many people's lives. You have brought tears to my eyes with your words inspiration. WOW!
Best of Luck, Sharon =)[Beautiful Soul] FATE!!!

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