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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Abortion: An Inside Look
Posted by: thewesman on 2003-04-17 09:24:58

I have read your story and we have the same exact sistuation. 
The only difference is that I was 21.6 weeks and they were twins.  
I have tried to contact several attorneys who have looked at the 
case and declined to take it on saying that they were not viable.
It has torn my husband and I up because we feel so lost.  We would 
like to still do something.  Can you help us? 

I am so sorry for your loss.  I don't words to tell you how bad I
feel for you and how sad this makes me.  I don't want to say something
cliche' here, but I really do believe that God is cradling your babies 
right now and just know they are being loved in way we can't even
begin to comprehend.

Were you hit by another person in a car?  Unfortunately, the Supreme
Court has been unwilling to budge much because they know once they
give the unborn "person" status, then abortion is immediately illegal.
The pro-choice group stands to lose millions if abortion is ever
made illegal and they won't let that happen without a fight.

You might try finding some pro-life groups on the web and inquiring 
if they know any attorney's who specialize in these types of cases.

I wish I could help more.  But I promise you this, I will pray for you.

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