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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: RKC on 2003-04-13 10:08:32

Uh, news update! As you wipe the tears from your face, note that this "tribute" to America was written in 1973!!! Not Sept. 2001. Let's not try and act like he wrote this in response to 9/11. 30yrs later, doubt he would write the same tribute!!
This is part of the problem!! Too many people, mostly republicans, read just the headlines or watch Chinese(state run) News Network (CNN)or Fox news and that is their ONLY source of
information!! Bad news!!! CNN leaves out anything negative toward Bush and Fox may as well broadcast from the Oval Office! Read between the lines and read the "fine" print. Like these wonderful polls!! I
read an LA Times poll about a week ago. IT WAS A JOKE!! It said 70%
of Americans approved of Bush. However, if you read the WHOLE article, you would see they polled
1004 people and 700 or so approved Bush. Say wwwhhaaat?? The headline said: "70% of Americans Approve of Bush."
Even in the body of the article, it continued to say 70% of americans approve. It didn't say, 70% of the 1004 polled approved.
A little more accurate. Since when do 700 people represent almost 100 million registered voters or a population of 280 million??
RIDICULOUS!! Now a new poll came out today on CNN. This one says Bush's Approval Soars With the Defeat of Saddem! CNN said 71% approve Bush, now. Soars?
Let's see. Before the war he was at 70% approval and after the celebration in Baghdad
Bush is at 71%. Wow, his ratings "soared" a whole 1%!! Totally misleading and THEY know it!!! I thought it was the liberal's that controlled the media??
I guess the LA Times and CNN were 2 media outlets that were able to escape the "grip" of the liberals!!!! WHATEVER!!

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