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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: How bad is the milk anyway?
Posted by: banana on 2001-06-26 09:18:43

I'm pretty sure there were slave owners in pre-Civil War America who held your same view of the humans they enslaved. Yes, many slaves were indeed considered "loved and babied". And yes, slaves were used to feed the population through their work in the fields and at every step of food preparation after that.They were even used for their milk as wet-nurses for white babies. Do you think slavery was therefor justified, much as you are justifiying the enslavement of your 70 cows? There's no way in hell that a cow hooked up to a milking machine forced to produce more than normal quantities of milk for humans is "babied". And you are right, huge factory farms are the biggest problem, but anytime we enslave animals for food/milk when we don't have to is cruel and morally wrong. If you live in North America, you do not need to eat animal products to survive. We have so much healthy vegan food in our markets, you just have to learn about nutrition and listen to your body! I think you are the one who is uneducated or is at least refusing to think for yourself! BTW, many people cannot digest milk, you do not absorb much calcium from milk due to the high protein content, and once it's been pasturized any real nutritional value has been lost. Milk is not healthy, although milk does have a very healthy lobby in our government. It's not the four basic food groups, it's the four basic food lobbies! You, my friend have been brainwashed by our ever present media and the dairy culture you belong to.

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