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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: god on 2003-03-28 10:24:27

I think you misunderstand the peace movement, which includes many, many veterans. Peace activists are against violence in all it's forms and
do not wish to see our troops killed in an illegal war. Anti-war protesters support the US troops far more than pro-war citizens in that they don't want to see them harmed and wish them to come home safely. By the way, are you aware that there is a 14 billion dollar cut to veterans assistance on the table right now, even as we are in the middle of a war? Now, I'd have to say that cutting funding for veterans is not a very good way to support the troops. But I guess that's the deal, the Bush Administration says one thing and does another. A government that operates in secrecy, as ours is doing, can hardly be deemed democratic or just. Additionally, killing children and other innocents isn't a very good way to promote peace. If we are such a great country, then we need to be better at diplomacy and finding non-violent ways to promote freedom and peace. Those who think the only way to peace is through war don't know very much about world history or US foreign policy.

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