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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: rio on 2003-04-11 23:12:20

LEARN something? What arrogance. You mean to say, AGREE with ME or I'll assume you're stupid.Get a clue.Were Iraqi's going hitchihike here to invade us? No navy, no air force to speak of. There ARE no weapons of mass destruction. He wouldn't arm terrorists he couldn't control, terrorists who hated him as much as they hate the US. Hitler was a threat, he controlled an industrial power, not a third world nation.Yeah, Mein Kampf spelled it out. You think people who have humanity are cowards? If you're so brave why aren't you fighting? Instead of trying to appear intelligent why not use YOUR brain a bit and stop spouting the right wing party line like Limbaugh and Bush and Cheney and the rest of the draft-dodgers who don't mind killing as long as they're safe.

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