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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: stupidpeopleshouldntbegivenpcs on 2003-04-07 04:55:08

Thank you for proving my point.
You are correct in asserting that I am by no means perfect, not even close in fact. One of the reasons that I made the emotional, if ill-advised, remarks that you pointed out. One of the reasons I should not be entrusted with weapon of mass destruction. I also think that non-perfect people like me and you with temperaments like yours should not be given guns.
I think that you should be really proud (as you clearly are)of your past. I suspect that the reason the Europeans (I don't don't know why you assume to know where I am from) didn't confront the Nazi led force is because Europe has a long and profound history of kicking the crap out of each other. Perhaps this is best avoided, or perhaps the Europeans should have gone out there and kicked some ass.
I am not fit to live in the same world as the MIGHTY USA and I suspect if you ever found out where I was my house, or at least some house 10 blocks away, would be bombed from the sky.
Whatever you say, killing people is bad...I'm sure your god once said something like "turn the other cheek". Not bad advice.
A peculiar final request but if I must, drop your pants and bend over, here I come tongue first.

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