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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How bad is the milk anyway?
Posted by: m90 on 2003-05-14 10:08:56

Cow's Milk

Until the 1930's dairy products were not considered an essential food group.It was the dairy industry & Madison
Avenue Advertising who "convin$ed" the scientific community that dairy products were necessary for life.

Since only man can read, humans are the only mammals that
intentionally drink another mammal's milk. Yah I know cats
drink milk, but this is a learned response, taught to them
by their owners. Cows milk is for baby cows, pigs milk is for
baby pigs, wolf's milk is for baby wolves. After they are
weaned, they never drink it again. Mother's milk is the best
food for human babies, not something designed for another
mammal, and certainly not some "formula" designed by a chemist.
Breastfeeding is the cheapest and most effective health
insurance around. Babies who are breastfed for more than a
year don't seem to suffer from ear infections. Anyone who
thinks breastfeeding is a bother should think about how
much bother it will be to have a child with ear infections.
If the body hasn't enough energy to eliminate this dairy
product, it stores it in a joint, & we call it arthritis
(Milk causes arthritis?) , if we store it in the liver,
we call it cirrhosis, in a neat little clump, we call it
a tumor. What do we call big chunks of protein & calcium
stuck in your kidney...Kidney stones! What does your doctor
tell you to stop eating and drinking if you have kidney stones?'
Milk and Dairy!, why don't we STOP taking dairy so we
don't get kidney stones? (What a concept!)

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