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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: stupidpeopleshouldntbegivenpcs on 2003-03-29 03:20:43

"After statements like that it only proves that YOU dont know much about World History. Why were we apart of the D-Day invasion. Germany didnt attack us at pearl harbor. Are you saying that what we did on D-Day was 'illegal'? I havent heard that there is a tax-cut for veterans. However, I do know that Republican presidents, in general, do support our military and our veterans. That is why most veterans our Republicans. However, I cant speak for the Bush Administration because I do not know exactly what is on the table."

Ah world history...such a subjective thing, and it look so important in capital letters. Why don't pass on you sabre rattling comments to the innocents of Vietnam that are still suffering from the effect of Agent Orange 30 years after its use? That was the largest use of chemical weapons in "world history", but then since you are such an expert then you know this already.
Not sure that I fully understand your WWII obsession. The Anglo-American assault on Normandy was largly a result of continuing pressure from Stalin to open up a 2nd front. Not an illegal act for two reasons that I can see off the top of my head.
1. The was this thing called "concensus" which is a word that you may want to look up.
2. It was not until the aftermath of WWII that such a thing as "crime against humanity" existed.

Good points made though...about Republicans sucking up to the military...wasn't it Eisenhower that spoke of the Military Industrial Complex?
You write very well for a teenager, good luck with the studies...x

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