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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: Kita on 2003-05-23 13:03:38

<<And yes, I'm proud to be an American. We are, in my opinion, the
greatest nation ever created on this planet. We are a kind, giving
people that has always helped the rest of the world: in spite of
how they really feel about us. We are the land of opportunity.
That's why people come here by the droves: opportunity to live the
American dream.>>

Hi dear: You are right and I just wanted to add that most people in this great nation are
of "foreign" descendant. In other words, if these people whom come to American because it is
the land of opportunity, they are here because they BELONG in here.

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