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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: stupidpeopleshouldntbegivenpcs on 2003-04-01 03:55:35

"Don't ever try to make a statement like that we should never feel bad about what happened there as horrible as it was communism was broken!"

What ever the cost eh?? I think you should feel bad. You should feel ashamed. YOUR government instructed YOUR military to use these exfoliating agents, which by the way also effected the health of YOUR military. The ecological fallout (and that after all is what this website is all about) was disasterous. I want to know 2 things.
1) What is so wrong with communism that an entire area has been laid to waste, infected with a chemical that causes birth defects and health problems for existing inhabitants?
2) What the hell had it to do with the United States anyway?

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