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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: transplantedyank on 2003-04-08 19:34:18

One of the great things about living in America is the RIGHT to have
a dissenting opinion. Your post would suggest that you would
rather America be like Iraq or North Korea in that no one would have
that right. How ironic and appropriate. I, like you, know people
who have been involved in other wars - like my father and
grandfather - funny, they don't believe this is a just war either.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for the troops out there who
are just "doing their job" - they had no more voice in whether or
not to go into this war than we did. Because I don't take everything
our government tells us at face value (like the Germans believed
Hitler) does not mean I am not patriotic, in fact it probably means
I am more patriotic because I would use my brain and question
the propaganda I am being fed.

As far as going to live somewhere else and your opinion that I am ignorant
- why is it that every warmonger's first response is an ad hominem attack
(Do I need to define that?) or a "love it or leave it" mentality? Nothing more well thought
out to say than that? Require too much energy to think of a response
of your own rather than just spewing hatred? I am an American
citizen and I intend to remain one - and, like many who believe
as I do - WE VOTE.

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