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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: tumultguy on 2000-05-22 12:44:42

I grew up the eldest of 5 kids, who were the children of a
father who worked for an airline company. He had unlimited flight
benefits and we flew all over the country. We had babies with us... a whole flock of them.
I remember that folks were always friendly and welcoming to
my siblings on planes. Sometimes, because we were flying "stand-
by," one or two of us would be sitting several rows away from
our parents next to adults who didn't know us. I wonder, after
reading Friend's entries, how many of these people hated us and
the prospect of having to sit next to noisy children.

People on an airplane are simply small samples of the community
at large. Its a random thing, unless you purchase a first class
ticket, where you may be less likely to encounter folks who are
as blatantly irritating.
You will encounter fat people, old and ugly people, and stinky
and loud people. Being a member of a society necessitates
tolerating other individuals. Unless one is such an elitist that
one isn't capable of co-existing with common folk. In that case I
recommend you purchase your own airplane and stop making the
babies cry with your angry looks and poor temperment.

Keep on smiling and don't let the bastards get you down.

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