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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: friend on 2000-07-10 16:39:47

Why don't you call for a re-vote on this guideline? Or create one
of your own that says "Fly with your kids" and make an argument
for this? I think the misunderstanding with this guideline has
to do with parents being overly defensive. I understand the
guideline to mean that unless it's necessary, try not to subject
your infant to the rigors of air travel. Babies are exposed
to radiation and numerous germs when they fly. If all you are
doing is going to a funeral or on a business trip, then it's
really the parents selfishness of not wanting to be away from
their child, when in reality the child would be much more happy
and comfortable (and healthy) at home with a relative or other
childcare professional. These guidelines are just that, and 
anyone may add one or vote against anything they think is wrong
or unfair. I also think that this guideline speaks to those
parents who do absolutely nothing to calm or comfort their
crying babies, and not to those parents who have well behaved
children and are there for them when they are uncomfortable.
Many times I have been on flights with crying babies and the
parent/s have acted like they don't even know the child, which
happens to make me sick! I have also been on flights with 
well behaved children or infants and seen wonderful parents who
have prepared and given up their own comfort in order to be
responsible for their children and respectful of the comfort
of the other passengers.

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