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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: friend on 2001-04-18 16:59:56

Well, I can't find this guideline anywhere on this site. I do see one that says to try and keep your child calm and quiet when flying. Perhaps the author, or some other user, modified the original guideline. In any case, GoodHumans does not censor the guideline game in any way but merely hosts it as a place for discussion on what it means to be a "good human". Naturally this means different things to different people. Moreover, there are many options to call for a re-vote or revisions on guidelines you don't agree with. This said, I do believe that all people who travel should do what they can to be considerate of the others around them. This includes being well prepared with your infant or older children and taking their needs into consideration before boarding an airplane. Also, while I'm sure there are unavoidable times when you must travel with an infant, ultimately it's got to be pretty uncomfortable for the baby. Not to mention the various germs and atmospheric radiation we are all exposed to in a sealed airplane at 30,000 feet. Yes, babies need their mothers for breastfeeding, love, nuturing, etc. However, allowing a relative, family friend or trusted care-giver to watch your child is not necessarily cruel. Some would say that it is actually very healthy for a child and mother to have independent time to be individuals and for children to be exposed to many different caring and kind adults. Certainly you wouldn't want your child's first day of school to be his or hers first time away from you? How traumatic. Basically, when you decide to add to the population you are going to be mostly home for the first few years caring for your child. Infants do not have fully developed immune systems, so lots of flying is probaby a request for lots of sickness for your baby. You are also responsible to make sure the child is given good care by others when you are unable to do so yourself. Additionally, you are responsible for teaching your child to respect others, respect the earth and to contribute to the well-being of all beings in some unique manner. This includes being polite to those seated next to or near you on an airplane. We've all seen mothers who don't do a thing to deal with a screaming baby. Sure, this is probably some sort of lessen to teach the kid that crying isn't the way to get what you want, but maybe time in public, specifically on a plane where no-one can leave, is not the best time to teach this lesson. So, before you fly, if you must do so with an infant, make sure the baby has a clean diaper, a pacifier, plenty of toys to keep them occupied and something to protect the child from the germs that get circulated around and around the airplane filter system. Also, if the diaper needs changing while in the air, ask the flight attendant to find a safe place where you can do so. If you do it in the seat, it stinks up the whole plane, I know because I've lived through it and it wasn't pleasant for anyone! And if the infant goes into a screaming fit, nicely apologize to those around you, do what you can to calm your baby and you just might get some sympathy and a helping hand! For more tips on flying with kids check out:

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