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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: friend on 2000-05-21 21:47:08

Hey, all I said was that parents should be responsible for
their kids and that it sucks to be stuck on a plane with a
screaming baby. And believe me, I would be much kinder and
patient with a child than probably 95% of the parents out there
who don't bother to even deal with their kids. One way of
being good to your children is to teach them how to behave in
public. The best way to solve conflict and promote peace is to
behave in a calm and logical manner. What we need to
pass on to the next generation is the ability to be kind
and mellow, not indulgence for their every whim or discomfort.

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